Saturday, June 27, 2009
Conservation Equations and Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Processes
Conservation Equations and Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Processes (Chemical Industries)
by: Said S.E.H. Elnashaie Parag Garhyan
Presenting strategies in control policies, this text uses a systems theory approach to predict, simulate and streamline plant operation, conserve fuel and resources, and increase workplace safety in the manufacturing, chemical, petrochemical, petroleum, biochemical and energy industries. Topics of discussion include system theory and chemical/biochemical engineering systems, steady state, unsteady state, and thermodynamic equilibrium, modeling of systems, fundamental laws governing the processes in terms of the state variables, different classifications of physical models, the story of chemical engineering in relation to system theory and mathematical modeling, overall heat balance with single and multiple chemical reactions and single and multiple reactions.
Table of Contents
1 System Theory and Chemical/Biochemical Engineering Systems 1
2 Material and Energy Balances 41
3 Mathematical Modeling (I): Homogeneous Lumped Systems 167
4 Mathematical Modeling (II): Homogeneous Distributed Systems and Unsteady-State Behavior 265
5 Process Dynamics and Control 317
6 Heterogeneous Systems 433
7 Practical Relevance of Bifurcation, Instability, and Chaos in Chemical and Biochemical Systems 515
8 Novel Designs for Industrial Chemical/Biochemical Systems 545
App. A Matrices and Matrix Algebra 567
App. B Numerical Methods 589
App. C Analytical Solution of Differential Equations 607
App. D Table of Laplace Transform of Some Common Functions 615
App. E Orthogonal Collocation Technique 619
App. F Some Software and Programming Environments 627
Index 631
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Packed Bed Columns
Packed Bed Columns: For absorption, desorption, rectification and direct heat transferby: Nikolai Kolev
Packed Bed Columns: For absorption, desorption, rectification and direct heat transferby: Nikolai Kolev
Book Description:
Packed bed columns are largely employed for absorption, desorption, rectification and direct heat transfer processes in chemical and food industry, environmental protection and also processes in thermal power stations like water purification, flue gas heat utilization and SO2 removal.
These Separation processes, are estimated to account for 40%-70% of capital and operating costs in process industry. Packed bed columns are widely employed in this area. Their usage also for direct heat transfer between gas and liquid, enlarge their importance. They are the best apparatuses, from thermodynamical point of view, for mass and heat transfer processes between gas and liquid phase.
Their wide spreading is due to low capital investments and operating costs. Since 1995 there has not been published a specialised book in this area, and this is a period of quick development of packed columns. Packed Bed Columns reflects the state of this field including the author's experience on creating and investigating of new packings, column internals and industrial columns.
* Considers the theories of mass transfer processes and shows how they help the construction of highly effective packings
* Complete information about the performance characteristics of different modern types of highly effective packings
* Considers the models for calculation and areas of their application
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mass Transfer: From Fundamentals to Modern Industrial Applications
Mass Transfer: From Fundamentals to Modern Industrial Applications
by: Kenichi Asano
This didactic approach to the principles and modeling of mass transfer as it is needed in modern industrial processes is unique in combining a step–by–step introduction to all important fundamentals with the most recent applications. Based upon the renowned author′s successful new modeling method as used for the O–18 process, the exemplary exercises included in the text are fact–proven, taken directly from existing chemical plants.
Fascinating reading for chemists, graduate students, chemical and process engineers, as well as thermodynamics physicists.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics:
Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics:By Ronald W. Missen, Charles A. Mims, Bradley A. Saville
Book Description
Solving problems in chemical reaction engineering and kinetics is now easier than ever! As students read through this text, they'll find a comprehensive, introductory treatment of reactors for single-phase and multiphase systems that exposes them to a broad range of reactors and key design features. They'll gain valuable insight on reaction kinetics in relation to chemical reactor design. They will also utilize a special software package that helps them quickly solve systems of algebraic and differential equations, and perform parameter estimation, which gives them more time for analysis. Key Features Thorough coverage is provided on the relevant principles of kinetics in order to develop better designs of chemical reactors. E-Z Solve software, on CD-ROM, is included with the text. By utilizing this software, students can have more time to focus on the development of design models and on the interpretation of calculated results. The software also facilitates exploration and discussion of realistic, industrial design problems. More than 500 worked examples and end-of-chapter problems are included to help students learn how to apply the theory to solve design problems.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Kinetics and Ideal Reactor Models 25
3 Experimental Methods in Kinetics: Measurement of Rate of Reaction 42
4 Development of the Rate Law for a Simple System 64
5 Complex Systems 87
6 Fundamentals of Reaction Rates 115
7 Homogeneous Reaction Mechanisms and Rate Laws 154
8 Catalysis and Catalytic Reactions 176
9 Multiphase Reacting Systems 224
10 Biochemical Reactions: Enzyme Kinetics 261
11 Preliminary Considerations in Chemical Reaction Engineering 279
12 Batch Reactors (BR) 294
13 Ideal Flow 317
14 Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors (CSTR) 335
15 Plug Flow Reactors (PFR) 365
16 Laminar Flow Reactors (LFR) 393
17 Comparisons and Combinations of Ideal Reactors 402
18 Complex Reactions in Ideal Reactors 422
19 Nonideal Flow 453
20 Reactor Performance with Nonideal Flow 495
21 Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reactors for Fluid-Solid Reactions 512
22 Reactors for Fluid-Solid (Noncatalytic) Reactions 552
23 Fluidized-Bed and Other Moving-Particle Reactors for Fluid-Solid Reactions 569
24 Reactors for Fluid-Fluid Reactions 599
App. A 623
App. B: Bibliography 625
App. C: Answers to Selected Problems 627
App. D Use of E-Z Solve for Equation Solving and Parameter Estimation 635
Nomenclature 643
References 652
Indexes 657
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering
Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering
by: Mark E. E. Davis, Robert J. J. Davis
Chemistry in the hands of Engineers! This mantra, initiated and developed largely in the research programs of academic chemical engineers over the last few decades, has now made its way into the core undergraduate curriculum in the form of a new Chemical Reaction Engineering textbook by Cal Tech's Mark E. Davis and U VA's Robert J. Davis… -Michael T. Klein, Rutgers University
This book is an introduction to the quantitative treatment of chemical reaction engineering. It is appropriate for a one-semester undergraduate (or first-year graduate)course. The text provides a balanced approach: first, it covers both homogeneous and heterogeneous reacting systems; second, it covers both chemical reaction engineering and chemical reactor engineering.
Here's what reviewers have to say:
The Davis/Davis book really brings out the strong coupling between chemical reactions and reactor design concepts in a pedagogical fashion. -Michael S. Wong, Rice University
Great use of chemical reactions as teaching examples -Michael S. Wong, Rice University
The examples, illustrations, and vignettes given in the text are very well done, and are of either fundamental or practical interest. -David F. Cox, Virginia Tech
A primary motivation to use this text is the arrangement of the introductory material on kinetics. The initial description of reactions and kinetics in Davis/Davis appears prior to the introduction of reactor material balances. -David F. Cox, Virginia Tech
Concise development and discussion of material -Michael S. Wong, Rice University
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Refining Processes Handbook
Refining Processes Handbook
by: Ph. D, Surinder Parkash
Book Description:
Besides covering topics like catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, and alkylation, this volume has chapters on waste water treatment and the economics of managing or commissioning the design of a petroleum refinery. Found only in this volume is material on operating a jointly owned and operated refinery. (Over the last decade, the ownership of many refineries has shifted to small companies, from the large, integrated companies. Because of this shift, many refineries are now jointly owned and operated.) Filled with handy process flow diagrams, this volume is the only reference that a chemical engineer or process manager in a petroleum refinery needs for answers to everyday process and operations questions.
* Covers the technologies and operations of petroleum refineries
* Provides material on operating a jointly owned and operated refinery
* Gives readers a comprehensive introduction to petroleum refining, as well as a full reference to engineers in the field
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thermodynamics: Fundamentals for Applications
Thermodynamics: Fundamentals for Applications (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
by: J. P. O'Connell, J. M. Haile
Thermodynamics: Fundamentals for Applications is a text for a first graduate course in chemical engineering. The focus is on macroscopic thermodynamics; discussions of modeling and molecular situations are integrated throughout. Underpinning this text is the knowledge that while thermodynamics describes natural phenomena, those descriptions are the products of creative, systematic minds. Nature unfolds without reference to human concepts of energy, entropy, or fugacity. Natural complexity can be organized and studied by thermodynamics methodology. The power of thermodynamics can be used to advantage if the fundamentals are understood. This text's emphasis is on fundamentals rather than modeling. Knowledge of the basics will enhance the ability to combine them with models when applying thermodynamics to practical situations. While the goal of an engineering education is to teach effective problem solving, this text never forgets the delight of discovery, the satisfaction of grasping intricate concepts, and the stimulation of the scholarly atmosphere.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations (3rd Edition)
Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations
by: Nicholas P. Chopey
This revised and expanded third edition presents new chapters on biotechnology, cost engineering, and water-pollution control and delivers step-by-step procedures for performing a wide array of chemical engineering calculations. Recently updated with 105 Digitized Graphs and 6 Interactive Tables covering thermodynamic, electrical, and physical properties of numerous materials.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 3
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 3, 3rd Edition (Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants)
by: Ernest E. Ludwig
Book Description:
This third edition of Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 3, is completely revised and updated throughout to make this standard reference more valuable than ever. It has been expanded by more than 200 pages to include the latest technological and process developments in heat transfer, refrigeration, compression and compression surge drums, and mechanical drivers. Like other volumes in this classic series, this one emphasizes how to apply techniques of process design and how to interpret results into mechanical equipment details. It focuses on the applied aspects of chemical engineering design to aid the design and/or project engineers in rating process requirements, specifying for purchasing purposes, and interpreting and selecting the mechanical equipment needed to satisfy the process functions. Process chemical engineering and mechanical hydraulics are included in the design procedures.
Includes updated information that allows for efficiency and accuracy in daily tasks and operations
Part of a classic series in the industry
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 2, 3rd Edition
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 2, 3rd Edition (Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants)
by: Ernest E. Ludwig
Book Description:
This latest edition covers the technical performance and mechanical details of converting the chemical and petrochemical process into appropriate hardware for distillation and packed towers. It incorporates recent advances and major innovations in distillation contacting devices and features new generations of packing. In addition, this new edition reflects the significant progress that has been made in process design techniques in recent years.
Volume 2's example calculation techniques guide in the preparation of preliminary and final rating designs. In some instances, the book includes manufacturers' procedures and notes clearly indicate when manufacturers should verify results.
Covers distillation and packed towers, and contains material on azeotropes and ideal and non-ideal systems
Includes important findings from recent literature to illustrate alternate design methods
New illustrations and rating charts
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 1, 3rd Edition
Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 1, 3rd Edition (Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants)
by: Ernest E. Ludwig
This complete revision of Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 1 builds upon Ernest E. Ludwig?s classic text to further enhance its use as a chemical engineering process design manual of methods and proven fundamentals. This new edition includes important supplemental mechanical and related data, nomographs and charts. Also included within are improved techniques and fundamental methodologies, to guide the engineer in designing process equipment and applying chemical processes to properly detailed equipment. All three volumes of Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants serve the practicing engineer by providing organized design procedures, details on the equipment suitable for application selection, and charts in readily usable form. Process engineers, designers, and operators will find more chemical petrochemical plant design data in: Volume 2, Third Edition, which covers distillation and packed towers as well as material on azeotropes and ideal/non-ideal systems. Volume 3, Third Edition, which covers heat transfer, refrigeration systems, compression surge drums, and mechanical drivers. A. Kayode Coker, is Chairman of Chemical & Process Engineering Technology department at Jubail Industrial College in Saudi Arabia. He?s both a chartered scientist and a chartered chemical engineer for more than 15 years. and an author of Fortran Programs for Chemical Process Design, Analysis and Simulation, Gulf Publishing Co., and Modeling of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Handbook of Evaporation Technology
Handbook of Evaporation Technology
By Paul E. Minton
This excellent volume combines a great deal of data only previously available from many different sources into a single, informative volume. It presents evaporation technology as it exists today. Although evaporation is one of the oldest unit operations, it is also an area with dramatic changes in the last quarter century. Although other methods of separation are available, evaporation remains the best process for many applications. All factors must be evaluated in order to select the best evaporator type. This book will be extremely useful in evaluating and deciding which evaporation technology will meet a particular set of requirements.
Chemical and biochemical engineers throughout industry.
1. Introduction 2. Evaporation 3. What an Evaporator Does 4. Evaporator Elements 5. Liquid Characteristics Concentration Foaming Temperature Sensitivity Salting Scaling Fouling Corrosion Product Quality Other Fluid Properties 6. Improvements in Evaporators 7. Heat Transfer in Evaporators Modes of Heat Transfer Types of Heat Transfer Operations Physical Properties 8. Pressure Drop in Evaporators Flow Inside Tubes Flow Across the Tube Banks 9. Flow-Induced Vibration Mechanisms Vortex Shedding Turbulent Buffeting Fluid-Elastic Whirling Parallel Flow Eddy Formation Acoustic Vibration Recommendations Design Criteria Fixing Vibration Problems in the Field Proprietary Designs to Reduce Vibration 10. Natural Circulation Calandrias Operation Surging Flow Instabilities Internal Calandrias Feed Location Summary 11. Evaporator Types and Applications Jacketed Vessels Coils Horizontal Tube Evaporators Short Tube Vertical Evaporators Long Tube Vertical Evaporators Forced Circulation Evaporator Plate Evaporators Mechanically-Aided Evaporators Submerged Combustion Evaporators Flash Evaporators Special Evaporator Types 12. Fouling Cost of Fouling Classification of Fouling Net Rate of Fouling Sequential Events in Fouling Precipitation Fouling Particulate Fouling Chemical Reaction Fouling Corrosion Fouling Biofouling Solidification Fouling Fouling in Evaporation Design Considerations Fouling: Philosophy of Design 13. Evaporator Performance Venting Time/Temperature Relation Pressure Versus Vacuum Operation Energy Economy Steam Condensate Recovery 14. Vapor-Liquid Separation Entrainment Flash Tanks Wire Mesh Separators Vane Impingement Separators Centrifugal Separators Cyclones Other Separators Comparison Solids Deposition Falling Film Evaporators Flashing Splashing Foaming 15. Multiple-Effect Evaporators Forward Feed Backward Feed Mixed Feed Parallel Feed Staging Heat Recovery Systems Calculations Optimization 16. Heat Pumps Conventional Heat Pump Overhead Vapor Compression Calandria Liquid Flashing 17. Compression Evaporation 18. Thermal Compression Thermocompressor Operation Thermocompressor Characteristics Thermocompressor Types Estimating Data Control Application 19. Mechanical Vapor Compression Thermodynamics Factors Affecting Costs Compressor Selection Factors Influencing Design Drive Systems Centrifugal Compressor Characteristics System Characteristics Reliability Evaporator Design Application Summary Economics 20. Desalination Startup and Operability Complexity Maintenance Energy Efficiency Capital Cost Operating Temperature Materials of Construction Pretreatment Chemicals and Auxiliary Energy 21. Evaporator Accessories 22. Condensers Direct Contact Condensers Surface Condensers 23. Vacuum Producing Equipment Jet Ejectors Mechanical Pumps Vacuum System Reliability/Maintenance Multistage Combinations Sizing Information Estimating Energy Requirements Initial System Evacuation Control of Vacuum Systems Costs of Vacuum Systems Comparisons Energy Conservation 24. Condensate Removal Liquid Level Control Steam Traps Mechanical Traps Thermostatic Traps Thermodynamic Traps Steam Trap Specification Common Trap Problems Selection of Steam Traps Installation Effect of Carbon Dioxide Steam Trap Maintenance 25. Process Pumps General Types of Pump Designs Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) Cavitation Principles of Pumps and Pumping Systems Avoiding Common Errors 26. Process Piping Designing Drain Piping Compressible Fluids Two-Phase Flow Slurry Flow Piping Layout 27. Thermal Insulation 28. Pipeline and Equipment Heat Tracing 29. Process Vessels 30. Refrigeration Mechanical Refrigeration Steam Jet Refrigeration Absorption Refrigeration 31. Control Manual Control Evaporator Control Systems Control of Evaporators Auto-Select Control System Product Concentration Condenser Control Calandria Control Evaporator Base Sections and Accumulators Guidelines for Instruments Process Computers 32. Thermal Design Considerations Tube Size and Arrangement Extended Surfaces Shellside Impingement Protection Flow Distribution 33. Installation Venting Siphons in Cooling Water Piping U-Bend Exchangers Equipment Layout Piping 34. Design Practices for Maintenance Standard Practices Repair Features Chemical Cleaning Equipment Mechanical Cleaning Equipment Backwashing Air Injection 35. Mechanical Design Maximum Allowable Working Pressure and Temperature Upset Conditions Thermal Expansion Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints Double Tubesheets Inspection Techniques 36. Safety Common Errors Safety Relief 37. Materials of Construction Basic Questions Selection 38. Testing Evaporators Planning the Test Causes of Poor Performance 39. Troubleshooting Calandrias Condensers Vacuum Fails to Build No Vacuum in Steam Chest Vacuum Builds Slowly Foaming Inadequate Circulation Sudden Loss of Vacuum Vacuum Fluctuates Water Surge in Tail Pipe Barometric Condenser Flooding 40. Upgrading Existing Evaporators Areas for Upgrading Existing Evaporators Economic Effects of Improvements Guidelines for Upgrading Program 41. Energy Conservation 42. Specifying Evaporators Comparing Vendors' Offerings 43. New Technology 44. Nomenclature Greek Subscripts Bibliography Index
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers
Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers, Third Edition (Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers)
by: Carl R. Branan
This new edition of the most complete handbook for chemical and process engineers incorporates the latest information for engineers and practitioners who depend on it as a working tool. New material explores the recent trends and updates of gas treating and fractionator computer solutions analysis. Substantial additions to this edition include a new section on gasification that reflects the many new trends and techniques in the field and a treatment on compressible fluid flow. This convenient volume provides engineers with hundreds of common sense techniques, shortcuts, and calculations to quickly and accurately solve day-to-day design, operations, and equipment problems. Here, in a compact, easy-to-use format, are practical tips, handy formulas, correlations, curves, charts, tables, and shortcut methods that will save engineers valuable time and effort.
Chemical Engineers
Section One: Equipment Design 1. Fluid Flow 2. Heat Exchangers 3. Fractionators 4. Absorbers 5. Pumps 6. Compressors 7. Drivers 8. Separators/Accumulators 9. Boilers 10. Cooling Towers Section Two: Process Design 11. Refrigeration 12. Gasification (by Chris Higman) 13. Gas Treating (updated by Chris Higman) 14. Vacuum Systems 15. Pneumatic Conveying 16. Blending Section Three: Plant Design 17. Process Evaluation 18. Reliability 19. Metallurgy 20. Safety 21. Controls Section Four: Operations 22. Troubleshooting 23. Startup 24. Energy Conservation 25. Shortcut Methods for Decisions 26. Process Modelling Using Linear Programming 27. Properties 28. Approximate Conversion Factors Appendixes Appendix 1: Shortcut Equipment Design Methods – Overview Appendix 2: Geographic Information Systems Appendix 3: Archimedes? Method Goes Modern Appendix 4: Process Safety Management Appendix 5 Do-it-Yourself Shortcut Methods Appendix 6: Overview for Engineering Students Appendix 7: Guidelines for Equipment Decisions Appendix 8: Process Specification Sheets Index
Monday, June 1, 2009
Process Systems Analysis and Control
Process Systems Analysis And Control by: Donald R Coughanowr
Book Description:
A thorough revision of the best-selling text on Process Dynamics and Control, the new edition features inclusion of the use of the digital computer in problem solving. The volume also contains seventeen fundamentals chapters. New end-of-chapter problems and examples have been added. PC-based software by Tutsim Products is packaged with the solutions manual.
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