Saturday, May 30, 2009

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology, Third Edition

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology, Third Edition By Alan E. Comyns

Book Description:

Covering a broad spectrum of chemical technology, from the gigantic Bessemer process for making steel to the microscopic Manasevit process for applying circuits to silicon chips, the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology, Third Edition includes all those processes that are known by special names regardless of origin or use. Extensively revised and expanded, this third edition incorporates named processes in current commercial use anywhere in the world, those piloted on a substantial scale, as well as important obsolete processes. Defining more than 3000 processes, 450 of which are new to this edition, this encyclopedic dictionary reflects recent trends in the global chemical industry away from petrochemicals and toward pollution prevention and waste disposal. It also includes processes newly revealed under the Freedom of Information Acts in the US and UK. Each entry is tailored to reflect the importance and topicality of the process providing key reference information, detailed explanation of how the process works, derivation of the name, historical background, date of introduction, patent information, worldwide usage, and end product. The dictionary features a foreward by the widely respected chemical technology historian Prof. Colin A. Russell, extensive cross references, bibliographical references, and an appendix that lists the chemicals and materials that are described in one or more of the processes. Gathering and defining a large portion of special named processes that may fall outside of standard chemical texts or be scattered among industry manuals, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology, Third Edition provides a single source reference to an extensive array of named processes

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chemical Engineering Design Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design

Book Description:

Bottom line: For a holistic view of chemical engineering design, this book provides as much, if not more, than any other book available on the topic. Extract from Chemical Engineering Resources review.

Chemical Engineering Design is a complete course text for students of chemical engineering. Written for the Senior Design Course, and also suitable for introduction to chemical engineering courses, it covers the basics of unit operations and the latest aspects of process design, equipment selection, plant and operating economics, safety and loss prevention. It is a textbook
that students will want to keep through their undergraduate education and on into their professional lives.

* Provides students with a text of unmatched relevance for the Senior Design Course and Introductory Chemical Engineering Courses
* Teaches commercial engineering tools for simulation
and costing
* Comprehensive coverage of unit operations, design and economics
Strong emphasis on HS&E issues, codes and standards, including API, ASME and ISA design codes and ANSI standards
* 108 realistic commercial design projects from diverse industries
* A rigorous pedagogy assists learning, with detailed worked examples, end of chapter exercises, plus supporting data and Excel spreadsheet calculations plus over 150 Patent References, for downloading from the companion website

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Process Engineering Equipment Handbook

Process Engineering Equipment Handbook by: Claire Marguerite Soares, Claire Marquerite Soares

Book Description

*Gives process engineers the key information they need to operate, troubleshoot, and maintain vital equipment in the chemical processing industry.

The first practical guide for process engineers, covering nearly every type of process-related equipment, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook is the fastest way to master process environments. This hands-on reference helps you--

*Understand and specify all types of auxiliary process equipment and materials.
*Provide engineering and operating expertise on machinery that is of prime importance in process engineering, including compressors and pumps, gas and steam turbines, fans, blowers and motors—both as individual components and as part of a supplied total package.
*Explore various applications, such as mechanical drive and direct drive (power generation service) for gas turbines, major support systems including instrumentation, and key components such as bearings and seals, all with reference to practical applications.
*Troubleshoot and solve problems in unfamiliar machines and components
*Work effectively with control, environmental, mechanical, civil, and other technical specialists.
*Handle issues with filters, seals, fans, dryers, nozzles, gaskets, elements made of unusual materials, blowers, connectors, gas and steam turbines, conveyors, feeders, joints, mills, controls, and many other categories of process equipment.
*Gain valuable insight into the topics of vibration analysis and life-cycle assessment.
*Perform major and minor audits of existing plants and machinery trains.

The best source of on-the-job guidance for process engineers, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook provides the answers you seek, in quick-access alphabetical order.

Table of Contents

SECTION AASME Specifications Abrasives Accident Management Accountability, Environmental (see Environmental Accountability) Acid Rain Acoustic Enclosures, Turbine Actuators Aerfoils: Airfoils (see Metallurgy; Turbines) Agitators Agriculture; Agricultural Product Processing Air Filtration; Air Inlet Filtration for Gas Turbines Air Pollution Control Air Purification; Air Sterilization SECTION B Balancing: Onspeed Balancing of a Rotor Balancing Problems, Troubleshooting (Turbomachinery) (see Condition Monitoring) Batteries (see Cells) Bearings Blades and Vanes (for a Turbine) (see Metallurgy; Turbines) Borescopes Boilers Brakes Brick-Lined Process Equipment Briquette Machines SECTION C CAD/CAM CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Carbon; Carbon-Graphite Mix Products Carbon Dioxide (CO2); CO2 Disposal Castings (see Metallurgy) Cells Cement; Portland Cement Centrifuges Ceramics Chemical Cleaning Chemical Complex; (Petro)Chemical Complex; Chemical Plant Chemicals (and more...)

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Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment

Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment

Nicholas P Cheremisinoff, Consulting Engineer, Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D. (Ch.E.) Ph.D. (Ch.E.). Consulting engineer (has conducted hundreds of pollution prevention audits and environmental catastrophe assessments); author and editor of 170 books.

The Handbook of Chemical Process Equipment is a major reference on process equipment. It provides practical understanding and description of the working principles, intended applications, selection criteria and fundamental design principles for equipment used throughout the process and allied chemical industries. It is an important reference for engineers, and in particular chemical engineers who will use such a volume throughout their studies and careers. Each major unit operation and equipment associated with the operation is described in sufficient detail for the reader to obtain practical knowledge of the equipment's limitations and typical applications. The book contains sufficient working examples and references for the user to refer to more in-depth treatment of individual subject areas.
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Chemical Engineering Design Fourth Edition: Chemical Engineering Volume 6 (Coulson & Richardson's)

Chemical Engineering Design Fourth Edition: Chemical Engineering Volume 6


* Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
* Number Of Pages: 1056
* Publication Date: 2005-07-08
* Sales Rank: 33010
* ISBN / ASIN: 0750665386
* EAN: 9780750665384
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Butterworth-Heinemann
* Studio: Butterworth-Heinemann
* Average Rating: 4.5
* Total Reviews: 4

Book Description:

Chemical Engineering Design is one of the best-known and widely adopted texts available for students of chemical engineering. It deals with the application of chemical engineering principles to the design of chemical processes and equipment. Revised throughout, the fourth edition covers the latest aspects of process design, operations, safety, loss prevention and equipment selection, among others. Comprehensive and detailed, the book is supported by problems and selected solutions. In addition the book is widely used by professionals as a day-to-day reference.

* Best selling chemical engineering text
* Revised to keep pace with the latest chemical industry changes; designed to see students through from undergraduate study to professional practice
* End of chapter exercises and solutions.
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering (4th Edition)by H. Scott Fogler

Book Description
Great structure to ensure principles are clearly understood and can be appliedafter the completion of the book. This is achieved first through a discussion ofcritical thinking and how Socratic questioning is at the heart of criticalthinking, followed by examples of critical thinking questions, and then finallyexercises on critical thinking. Contains more coverage of industrial chemistrywith real reactors and real reactions and extends the wide range of applicationsto which chemical reaction engineering principles can be applied. Through theuse of an interactive CDROM that is shrunk wrapped with the text andcorresponding web page the book and resource material is designed to addressdifferent student learning styles according to the Felder-Solomon LearningStyle Index. (e.g. global/sequential, active/reflective, verbal/visual andsensing/intuitive)

# Hardcover: 1080 pages
# Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 4 edition (September 2, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0130473944
# ISBN-13: 978-0130473943
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Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition

Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition
By Octave Levenspiel

Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition
By Octave Levenspiel

* Publisher: Wiley
* Number Of Pages: 688
* Publication Date: 1998-08-13
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 047125424X
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471254249

Book Description:

Chemical reaction engineering is concerned with the exploitation of chemical reactions on a commercial scale. It's goal is the successful design and operation of chemical reactors. This text emphasizes qualitative arguments, simple design methods, graphical procedures, and frequent comparison of capabilities of the major reactor types. Simple ideas are treated first, and are then extended to the more complex.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 3rd Update Edition 2005

Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes By Richard M. Felder, Ronald W. Rousseau

This introduction to chemical processes lays the foundation for a chemical engineering curriculum. It shows beginning students how to apply engineering techniques to the solution of process-related problems by breaking each problem down into individual component parts, defining the relationships between them, and reuniting them in a single solution. Providing detailed practical examples with every problem, and self-test questions at the end of each chapter, it uses predominantly SI units in its coverage of theoretical components of an engineering calculation, processes and process variables, fundamentals of material balances, single and multiphase systems, energy and energy balances, balances on nonreactive processes, and more.

Key Features of the Third Edition

* Nearly every section in the third edition has been revised to provide increased clarity.
* Hundreds of new and revised problems and new case studies cover a broader spectrum of chemical engineering applications.

Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition (Chemical Engineers Handbook)
By Don W. Green, Robert H. Perry


Get Cutting-Edge Coverage of All Chemical Engineering Topics— from Fundamentals to the Latest Computer Applications.

First published in 1934, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with an expert source of chemical engineering information and data. Now updated to reflect the latest technology and processes of the new millennium, the Eighth Edition of this classic guide provides unsurpassed coverage of every aspect of chemical engineering-from fundamental principles to chemical processes and equipment to new computer applications.

Filled with over 700 detailed illustrations, the Eighth Edition of Perry's Chemcial Engineering Handbook features:

* Comprehensive tables and charts for unit conversion
* A greatly expanded section on physical and chemical data
* New to this edition: the latest advances in distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, reactor modeling, biological processes, biochemical and membrane separation processes, and chemical plant safety practices with accident case histories

Inside This Updated Chemical Engineering Guide
Conversion Factors and Mathematical Symbols • Physical and Chemical Data • Mathematics • Thermodynamics • Heat and Mass Transfer • Fluid and Particle Dynamics Reaction Kinetics • Process Control • Process Economics • Transport and Storage of Fluids • Heat Transfer Equipment • Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, and Solids Drying • Distillation • Gas Absorption and Gas-Liquid System Design • Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operations and Equipment • Adsorption and Ion Exchange • Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment • Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment • Solid-Solid Operations and Equipment • Size Reduction and Size Enlargement • Handling of Bulk Solids and Packaging of Solids and Liquids • Alternative Separation Processes • And Many Other Topics!

Table of contents

Section 1: Conversion Factors and Mathematical Symbols
Section 2: Physical and Chemical Data
Section 3: Mathematics
Section 4: Thermodynamics
Section 5: Heat and Mass Transfer
Section 6: Fluid and Plastic Dynamics
Section 7: Reaction Kinetics
Section 8: Process Control
Section 9: Process Economics
Section 10: Transport and Storage of Fluids
Section 11: Heat-Transfer Equipment
Section 12: Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, and Solids Drying
Section 13: Distillation
Section 14: Equipment for Distillation, Gas Absorption, Phase Dispersion, and Phase Separation
Section 15: Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Other Liquid-Liquid Operations and Equipment
Section 16: Adsorption and Ion Exchange
Section 17: Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment
Section 18: Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment
Section 19: Reactors
Section 20: Alternative Separation Processes
Section 21: Solid-Solid Operations and Processing
Section 22: Waste Management
Section 23: Process Safety
Section 24: Energy Resources, Conversion, and Utilization
Section 25: Materials of Construction
Biographical note

Robert Perry was chairman of the Department of Chemical
Engineering at the University of Oklahoma.
Donald W. Green is chair and the Deanne
E. Ackers distinguished professor of chemical and petroleum
engineering at the University of Kansas.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics

Intoduction to chemical engineering thermodynamicsBy Je M. Smith H. C. Van Ness M. M. Abbott
Book Descripption
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 6/e, presents comprehensive coverage of the subject of thermodynamics from a chemical engineering viewpoint. The text provides a thorough exposition of the principles of thermodynamics and details their application to chemical processes. The chapters are written in a clear, logically organized manner, and contain an abundance of realistic problems, examples, and illustrations to help students understand complex concepts. New ideas, terms, and symbols constantly challenge the readers to think and encourage them to apply this fundamental body of knowledge to the solution of practical problems.
The comprehensive nature of this book makes it a useful reference both in graduate courses and for professional practice. The sixth edition continues to be an excellent tool for teaching the subject of chemical engineering thermodynamics to undergraduate students.

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